Friday, May 16, 2008

record Bacon sale

no, this isn't some kind of shill for you pork lovers. I'm talking about the record set this week by the sale of a Francis Bacon triptych. Bacon's "Tryptich, 1976" sold this week at Sotheby's for $86.3 million. I wrote earlier this week about Rauschenberg being in my 'top 5 fave artists' list, along w/DeKooning & Kiefer. well, it's kind of eerie that Francis Bacon is in the news this week as well, as he rounds out my list.
there's a great book of interviews w/Bacon called The Brutality of Fact (isbn 9780500274750) that I've had for years & is well worth the read. also an amazing film called Love is the Devil starring Sir Derek Jacobi as Bacon that is a must see.
personally, I've always been mesmerized by photos of his studio. artist's studios are windows into the working mind & process of those artists & in the case of Francis Bacon, there is a treasure trove of psychoanalysis to be mined there.

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