Wednesday, May 7, 2008

all but over

the Dem. primary is finally all but over. Obama won big in NC & only lost bt 2% in IN, in the latest night yet in this primary season. now it is only up to Hillary to bow out gracefully. news this morning is that she has canceled all public appearances today & has loaned her campaign over $6.4 million more. not a good sign in any light. keep your eyes peeled today, it's sure to be interesting on many levels.

one good thing about late night political coverage is that the pundits have alot of time to fill & tend to let their guards down as the night progresses & fatigue sets in. on MSNBC last night Tweety & Timmeh admitted that they (the MSM) have been giving McCAin a pass as the focus has been soley on the fight between Obama & Clinton. something many of us have been pointing out for some time now. (C&L has the clip here)

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