Friday, May 9, 2008

GOP hates their Mommies

this is the ridiculousness that the Republicans get up to in Congress:
(via WaPo)
On Wednesday afternoon, the House had just voted, 412 to 0, to pass H. Res. 1113, "Celebrating the role of mothers in the United States and supporting the goals and ideals of Mother's Day," when Rep. Todd Tiahrt (R-Kan.), rose in protest.

"Mr. Speaker, I move to reconsider the vote," he announced.

It has long been the custom to compare a popular piece of legislation to motherhood and apple pie. Evidently, that is no longer the standard. Worse, Republicans are now confronted with a John Kerry-esque predicament: They actually voted for motherhood before they voted against it.

it's not like there are any pressing issues these days for Congress to consider.
(hello, anyone remember Iraq? FISA?)
thinkprogress has more details, plus video!!
TGIF, indeed...

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