Friday, April 18, 2008

something's fishy

Josh Marshall has a couple of posts over at TPM about the video question from the ABC debate the other night. they are both well worth the read.

Now, it does seem like McCabe is not a fan of Sen. Obama's. And I think we can assume that it's not a coincidence that McCabe managed to show up featured in the Times and also as the sole outside questioner in the ABC debate. Presumably, a researcher for ABC or Gibson saw the piece in the Times, figured, hey, this lady hates Obama and is seriously ginned up about the lapel issue. Let's send a camera crew and film her slamming Obama to his face. It'll be great in the debate. usually assume that these citizen questions come from people who are at least partly conflicted about their support if not undecided. But it does reinforce my sense that the disgraceful nature of the debate wasn't just something that came together wrong, some iffy ideas taken to far, but was basically engineered to be crap from the ground up.

our craptacular 'liberal' news media at work. ABC news has been full of hacks for years (I'm looking at you Jake Tapper & John Stossell), but this takes the cake.

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