Hillary had this to say today in Indiana:
"You know, my dad took me out behind the cottage that my grandfather built on a little lake called Lake Winola outside of Scranton and taught be how to shoot when I was a little girl," she said.(h/t huffpo)
Clinton said she has hunted ducks.
ABC News later reported that Clinton also visited a restaurant in Crown Point, Indiana to share a shot of whiskey with the locals:
Clinton stood by the bar and took a shot of Crown Royal whiskey. She took one sip of the shot, then another small sip, then a few seconds later threw her head back and finished off the whole thing.
Clinton later sat down at a table and enjoyed some pizza and beer, and called over Mayor Tom McDermott of Hammond, Ind., to come join the table.
"Every time I get around you we start drinking, senator," the mayor exclaimed.
Clinton nodded and raised her glass.
"It's Saturday night, though, Tom," she said.
Jesus, now we're back to the "Who would you rather have a drink with" criterium for electing Presidents. suddenly Hillary is a hard drinkin', gun shootin', rootin'-tootin' good ol' boy...err, gal. give me a break!
seems she's a Republican now, too. siding w/McCain & 'The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy" that she knows so well. the whole scenario is just so pathetic & disgusting.
(is it November yet?)
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