Wednesday, April 9, 2008

BushCo. really, really ♥'s torture

ABC News (via TPM) is reporting that senior Bushies had top secret meetings where specific details of torture techniques were discussed & planned out.
":The high-level discussions about these "enhanced interrogation techniques" were so detailed, these sources said, some of the interrogation sessions were almost choreographed -- down to the number of times CIA agents could use a specific tactic.

At the time, the Principals Committee included Vice President Cheney, former National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and Secretary of State Colin Powell, as well as CIA Director George Tenet and Attorney General John Ashcroft."

According to a top official, Ashcroft asked aloud after one meeting: "Why are we talking about this in the White House? History will not judge this kindly."

we have seen the dystopian future...& it is now.

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