Wednesday, February 13, 2008

We're #6? We're #6?

imagine my chagrin this morning, waking up, bleary eyed, to the news that Chicago was named by Forbes magazine as the #6 most miserable city in America. whaa?? it took a moment for my frozen, pre-coffee addled brain to get itself wrapped around that concept. according to them, & I quote:

"Residents of the country's third-largest metro face long commutes (31 minutes on average) and high violent crime rates (619 crimes per 100,000 residents). Another chief complaint: the bitter-cold winters. And as for misery, nothing tops being a Cubs fan. The team has not won a World Series since 1908, the longest winless streak in baseball."

now, I've lived in Chicago for 21 years. sure, right about now (mid-February) I'm praying for spring. but,'s not -40/wind chill like up in Minneapolis. sure,
I've heard more than my share of gunshots in the 'hood over the years. (okay, so last summer I was rudley awakened at 3 a.m. to a couple dozen Chicago cops stomping through my back garden searching for weapons used in a shooting a block over.) & the snark about the Cubs!? come on, real original. like we've never heard that one before. (not being a sports fan has it's benefits. I'm impervious to such snarkiness)

so, all in all...I'm the furthest thing from 'miserable', pretty darn happy in fact.
in fact, this article has gotten my blood boiling to the point where I'm feeling rather toasty on this cold winters morn. thanks Forbes...oh, yeah & by the way...go suck it, CHUMPS!

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