Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Katy bar the door!

I may be late to the party on this one, but Cormac McCarthy's best novel is coming to the big screen. this has been rumored for some time, but with the success of the Coen's No Country for Old Men, as well as the Road coming down the pike, it looks like the Blood Meridian film is a go. with Ridley Scott at the helm, no less! Blood Meridian is truly a literary masterpiece, but has long been considered unfilmable. mainly due to it's relentlessly bleak tone & torrents of bloody violence.
(hey, the west wasn't won with a hearty 'howdy do' & a handshake)
this film will hinge on who Ridley Scott casts as the Judge, truly the most
sinister, evil character ever imagined. I've got my fingers crossed, but am sure that Scott is up to the task.

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