Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Ifill is not in the "tank"

there's alot of heat in the blogosphere today about Gwen Ifill's upcoming book & how this will impact her judgement as moderator of the VP debate on Thursday. wingnuts are frothing at the mouth, spewing that she is in the "tank" for Obama & therefore unfit to perform the role of moderator.

in this clip, she discusses her new book, "The Breakthrough: Politics and Race in the Age of Obama" & it is obvious that the book is about Race & Politics in the 21st century, as the title suggests. She discusses 4 African American politicians in the book, including Obama. but because Obama's name is in the title, some assume that the book is pro Obama. that is probably a wrong assumption, but far be it for the right to let facts get in the way of their ire.

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