Friday, July 11, 2008

I got a Pony!

well, not really, but imagine my surprise when I stepped out the front door this afternoon to see Tony the pony (no kidding, his real name) walking down my street. now that might not seem so odd to some of you folks, but here on the northwest side of Chicago, it's a little out of the ordinary. Tony & his owner were quickly snagged by my downstairs neighbors & corralled into my backyard for photo-ops with all the local kids. the little buckaroo pictured here is 2 month old Nathan taking his turn in the saddle.


Christy said...

That's completely crazy! We should meet in Koz park sometime for an arroz paleta; you could tell us the strange circumstances around this chance meeting. Next time send Tony the Pony to our place! We'll trade you for our resident rat.

kkurtz said...

yeah, my backyard is a menagerie of crazy creatures, both domestic & wild. sometimes it's hard to remember that I live in a teeming metropolis.