Sunday, March 23, 2008

Hillary 2012?

Cenk Uygur poses this question over at HuffPo today:

"The Politico laid it out very clearly yesterday - and solidified what we've known for weeks - this race is over. Obama has the nomination."

"Even Hillary Clinton's own campaign admits it! Politico reports, "One important Clinton adviser estimated to Politico privately that she has no more than a 10 percent chance of winning her race against Barack Obama, an appraisal that was echoed by other operatives. In other words: The notion of the Democratic contest being a dramatic cliffhanger is a game of make-believe."

"I've been trying to figure out for weeks why Hillary Clinton is still in this campaign because the math has been obvious for quite some time now. Even Mitt Romney had the - what would you call it, decency, wisdom, common sense - to drop out after he realized it was mathematically impossible (or next to impossible) for him to win."

"There is one possibility as to why Senator Clinton might still be in this race, inflicting heavy damage on the presumptive Democratic nominee. That reason is Hillary 2012."

so, "Is Hillary Positioning for 2012?". I don't know.
it's an interesting theory, if more than a little speculative, but well worth the read, regardless.

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